Photos: Basanta Contenidos
Our history
In the mid-19th century, Buenos Aires, still La Gran Aldea, was traversed by carts, tired helmets, street vendors, gauchos, compadritos, packs and politicians. It was at the end of the century when he set his sights on Europe and began creating a new image for the city. The first mayor, Don Torcuato de Alvear, conceived the idea of the layout of the current Avenida de Mayo, a fact that would facilitate transit, hygiene and beautify the capital. After great debates, in 1883 the bill for the creation of the avenue was signed, based on the Parisian model. Some buildings today have the architecture and solidity of that time.

Growth that doesn’t stop
Most of the owners of «the 13 condemned» blocks that were going to be expropriated belonged to the patrician community of Buenos Aires. The measurements were set at 30 m, according to the Avenida de la Opera model, 6.50 m for the sidewalks and 17 m for the road. It was planned to place urinals following the London system. Also the use of gas and electric lighting, the first with large lamps on bronze columns, just like the Parisian model.
Colonial design
By express decision of the property owners, Av. de Mayo was never used by trams. The buildings that were raised had to obey the established norms and had a preset height. However, due to the diversity of architects who designed their works, the development culminated in a great multiplicity of styles. Theaters, cafes, sweet shops, bookstores, hotels frame your tour, highlighting the HOTEL ALCAZAR, located at Avenida de Mayo 935. Its construction dates from 1885 and was carried out by the prestigious architect Cerioli. To this day, it still has the façade and openings from the beginning and preserves its original staircase and exquisite colonial design. Its balconies facing the avenue are mute witnesses of the traditional “corsicans”. The two interior patio-gardens brighten up the tranquility of the place.

Unbeatable location
Avenida de Mayo was inaugurated on July 9, 1894. Achieving its definition is somewhat achieving the expression of Buenos Aires in its intrinsic relationship with Spain: it has something of a Catalan boulevard, Alcalá street, and Gran Vía , thus mixing the sensation felt by the Catalans in Madrid and the people from Madrid in Barcelona…
Cordiality and warmth
The excellent attention to our guests provides a pleasant stay.